Join us
We are always looking for motivated students and postdocs with previous knowledge in bioinformatics, programming, analysis of omic data and interested in Systems Biology, network biology, genetics, methods development or big data analysis.
We are also interested in other fronts where we don't have so much experience but somehow can complement our research lines: structural biology, proteomics, evolutionary biology or visualization among others.
Current Job offers
No open positions at the moment, still do not hesitate to write us with your expectations and/or proposals..
We accept TFG and TFM students
Either you propose us a project or a subject you are interested in or we can design something that can fit in our current projects. Just write us: pablo.minguez @
Even if we don't have an open position, do not hesitate to contact us with your expectations and interests and we can think together in the possibilities of joining us.
Hiring, career and lab policy
We see the lab as a group of people with a common aim, helping and supporting each other is essential.
We do believe in scientific career and will always support our members to get next stages.
We are committed to avoid gender biases in the lab.
We are committed to support people with disabilities to join us.